Tag Archives: legal fiction

Book Review: The Justice Game

9 Jun

Bursting into a television station, the gun-toting target of an investigative report kills a co-anchor. When the gun manufacturer is sued, defense attorney Kelly Starling and prosecutor Jason Noble battle each other in court—but the real conflict lies with unseen forces bent on destroying them both. (The verdict was rendered by an actual reader poll!)

For information about Randy Singer and his books, click HERE.

Our Impressions:

My book club met last night to discuss Randy Singer’s The Justice Game.  The verdict?  A unanimous thumbs up for this book.  Inspired by Singer’s own experiences with a shooting tragedy and subsequent court case, The Justice Game explores both sides of the gun control controversy.  Plus there are plenty of twists, turns and suspense to keep the pages turning.   Sometimes our discussions consist of “did you like the book, what do you have planned for the weekend”.  Not the case for this book. The premise of the novel, the characterization and even writing style was the subject of our discussion.  And the discussion didn’t stop.  We all got in on the conversation.  Even our most adamant gun rights proponents had mixed feelings about how they would have voted.  So if you like suspense, this is your book.  And if you want a good book for your discussion group, check out The Justice Game.