Book Review: Incriminating Evidence

2 Jul

51Z8SXCQJeL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_When rookie prosecutor Jessica Hughes crosses the son of a major crime boss, she’s determined to bring him to justice—if his family doesn’t kill her first. And with newly minted FBI special agent Zach Taylor protecting her, she believes she can succeed. Zach will do anything to stay ahead of the crime syndicate and guard Jessica while she builds her case. The more time he spends with her, the more personal the assignment becomes. It’s bad timing for falling in love, but as the threats against her life escalate, Zach realizes Jessica is everything to him—and he will do everything he can to make sure she has a future.




rachel-dylan-200x300Rachel Dylan writes Christian fiction including inspirational romantic suspense for Love Inspired Suspense. She also writes the Danger in the Deep South series and the Windy Ridge Legal Thriller series. Rachel has practiced law for a decade and enjoys weaving together legal and suspenseful stories. She lives in Michigan with her husband and five furkids — two dogs and three cats. Rachel loves to connect with readers. You can find Rachel at


My Impressions:

Incriminating Evidence is Rachel Dylan’s latest novel for Love Inspired Suspense. This novel has everything I have come to expect from Rachel — heart-pounding suspense with non-stop action, two characters with chemistry to spare and a faith thread that is naturally woven throughout the story. This one is a perfect choice to include in your pool bag this summer.

Prosecutor Jessica Hughes and FBI agent Zach Taylor are relatively new on the job. But what they lack in experience they make up for with determination, zeal and a strong sense of justice. They are thrown together when Jessica’s high profile case becomes a little too personal and she needs protection. With bad guys on both sides of the justice system, they have a hard time deciding just whom to trust.

Rachel packs a lot into her Love Inspired Suspense novels, despite their short length. Incriminating Evidence is first and foremost romantic suspense and there is plenty to please fans. But Rachel is also good at character development. Her main characters, Jessica and Zach, are real and relatable (despite their dangerous close calls!) and struggle with faith issues common to all. Both must overcome their inexperience on the job and learn to give God control over their lives. Rachel’s themes are always true to life — jessica and Zach’s childhoods have influenced their ability to trust men and God — something that many struggle with. So if you are looking for a quick, yet extremely satisfying read for a weekend getaway or staycation, Incriminating Evidence is a recommended read from me!


Audience: adults.

To purchase this book, click HERE.

(Thanks to Rachel Dylan for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)


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