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Clash of The Titles!

It’s the end of our CLASH year, and we’ve lined up some awesome holiday reading (and gift ideas!) for this month’s Clash of the Titles.
Vote for your Ideal curl up in front of a fire read!



Scroll through these releases and cast your vote for your perfect idea of a next read.

It’s a tough choice, but it’s up to you to determine our Clash Champion!


Risking Love

Brenda S. Anderson


A play-it-safe bank employee falls for a down-on-his-luck, risk-taking widower.

Can she risk loving a man whose home she may have to take away?


An Unexpected Role

Leslea Wahl


Josie’s island getaway becomes the summer of her dreams as friendships grow,

romance blossoms and a series of thefts surround her with excitement. But as

she sets out to solve the mystery she has become entangled in, she not only

realizes the importance of relying on her faith but along the way also

discovers her true self.

Forest Child

Heather Day Gilbert


Historically based on the Icelandic Sagas, Forest Child brings the memorable,

conflicted persona of Freydis Eiriksdottir to life and is Book Two in the

bestselling Vikings of the New World Saga.



Can’t Help Falling

Kara Isaac


A funny, heartfelt romance about how an antique shop, a wardrobe, and a

mysterious tea cup bring two C.S. Lewis fans together in a snowy and

picturesque Oxford, England.

The Cautious Maiden

Dawn Crandall


In an effort to salvage her good name, Violet is forced into an engagement with

a taciturn acquaintance; Vance Everstone. With danger stalking her and a new

fiance who hides both his emotion and his past, Violet must decide who to trust

and who to leave behind.



The Thorn Healer

Pepper D. Basham

A wounded nurse battles resentment against a German prisoner as the two work together to save an Appalachian town from deception and disease in the wake of World War 1.


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